A-crafting we will go...

Happy Monday, my lovelies! What? No excitement? Yep, join my club.

I'm aware that I promised to post pictures of my little man after our trip to Baltimore, and I promise that I will... just not right this moment.

Several people in my office have been sick and I felt a little something coming on Friday morning. By the time we boarded our plane that afternoon, I was pumped full of vitamin C and Airborne-- NOTHING was going to keep me away from this little baby:

(His mommy bought this as soon as she found out they were expecting, pre-knowledge of boy vs. girl. We decided it's a tad bit too girly for such a strapping young man, but that most certainly did NOT prevent all of us from putting him in the costume anyways and laughing! He may hate us when he's 16 or so, but he was quite the precious little lion while it lasted!)

I actually felt a lot better over the weekend and the entire time I was with Colin (while Purel-ing like a madwoman), but once we settled onto the plane yesterday morning, it was like a train plowed into me. It's pretty safe to say that I've 150% come down with a cold, and it's a fight to get through work today.

Since I don't feel much like posting any thing of real substance, I'm posting a list of the crafts that I'm planning on making asap for Halloween!!

This is beyond adoreeblay (say it, don't think it-- it sounds good, promise!) and I'll be attempting to make it this weekend while Brian's out golfing.

I actually made these last Halloween but thought they looked a bit plain put up side-by-side. Problem solved with a bit of orange ribbon and hot glued ghosts!

Source: etsy.com via Katie on Pinterest

If the loopy-ribbon wreath goes well, I might attempt this too. Maybe add more to bulk it up? Something about this looks a bit skimpy, but I loooove the idea!

This I adore. Planning to make one for me and a surprise recipient (they read le blog... if I named them, the surprise would be no more).

How cute is this? And EASY! It's made with a planet and a plant dish, y'all.

I'm obsessed with the look of a good burlap wreath.
... anyone know where I find burlap?


Jack-o-lantern cake pops.
I'm determined. Really, really determined!

How cute are these? I'll be making them then promptly bringing them to the office and sending them off with Brian. Bite-size anything = FAIL for the whole healthy eating plan.

Since I have no little ones to make these for, adults would totally appreciate the effort, right? A tater ghost would make. my. supper!

That's my craft-tastic post for today. All I can say is that if I make it through all of those crafts with only the assistance of my glue gun and a bottle or three of wine, I'll be a happy woman!

If I feel up to it when I get home tonight, through my self-induced haze of Nyquil, I'll try to post the pics from Baltimore. If not, another day's wait shall not hurt you :)

'Til later, my lovelies!

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