If I could choose to be adopted by anyone... I would want to be adopted by the Bravermans.
Don't get me wrong-- I sincerely love my family with all of my heart. I would never wish for another family. But if I were FORCED to choose to be someone else's daughter/sister, it would SO be with them. Apparently I'm the last one to catch the Parenthood train... but I'm so glad that I have a ticket as a passenger! I started watching the first few episodes on our flight back from Texas last Saturday and by the time they were over... I felt sad. Like I was saying goodbye to people that I knew! Okay, so that sounds slightly pathetic, but whatever. In my opinion, it's a sign of a wonderfully written, extremely well-acted TV show if you feel completely connected to the characters.
Proof? There's a big ole Pats vs. Texans game going on in my living room right now... and I am sitting crisscross applesauce on our bed, headphones and sweatshirt on, completely immersed in Season 1, Episode 9. There is no doubt in my mind that when I am completely caught up on the episodes and have to wait week-to-week with the rest of the fans, I will hit that point of having no idea what to do with myself because THE BRAVERMANS! WHEN WILL THEY BE BACK? I know big stuff has happened in the last, oh... three seasons, and I just cannot wait to continue catching up.
Also? This is happening at 10pm.
Hannah, Marnie, Jessa and Shoshanna are back in my life as well. If you aren't watching Girls... get on it, friends. Not a single episode has been viewed where I didn't feel like it was myself with my girlfriends up on the screen. And the writing? It blows me away. It's so easy to relate to the characters, all girls in their mid-20s, who are going through what girls my age are going through. It's not all sugar-coated and fake... it's like I'm standing in the funky Brooklyn kitchen wanting to dance around with Hannah. Oh, and ask Marnie (Allison Williams) for hair advice. Girl gives me SERIOUS hair envy.
No one could ever hate me as much as I hate myself, okay? So any mean thing someone’s gonna think of to say about me, I’ve already said to me, about me, probably in the last half hour!” – Hannah Horvath
Sometimes being stuck in my own head is so exhausting it makes me want to cry.” – Marnie Michaels
If you have the chance tonight, kick the boy out, curl up on your couch with a glass of wine in your yoga pants, and love the ever-loving goodness out of the season premiere. Trust me on this one, y'all.
Oh my gosh....LOVE the Bravermans. Seriously, on Tuesday nights my world stops for an hour. My friends know not to call me then or else with will be ignored and yelled at later! :)
I absolutely LOVE the Bravermans, too! So fitting that I found your blog and they are the first thing I see! So, my day is made! Also, slightly because I will get to see the Bravermans again tonight! I've been watching since the very first episode, and I admit, it's almost like torture to have to wait another week! My husband knows not to interrupt me while I'm watching...he's had to learn the hard way! Can't wait to get to know you more! :)