Week 30 Bumpdate

How Far Along? 30 weeks, 5 days

Musings on the Weekly Photo: 

Good hair day, new top, a healthy bump, Brian's getting better about not getting the light switch in the photo... I can't really complain! I feel like the bump really grew this past week, like have had a few moments of "Whoops, don't mind my stomach!" I tried to walk sideways past a sign at our favorite bagel spot and nearly knocked it over. And any spills/drips get caught immediately by the bump, too (very attractive). 

Sex: Our girl, CFK!

Maternity Clothes: We've officially crossed over into "Don't come near me with anything that doesn't have an elastic waist," so yes, lots of maternity clothes over here. My Old Navy order was waiting for me yesterday after work, and I'm happy to say that everything fits, so I think I'll be good through the end of this pregnancy! The loot included the top above, a cranberry-colored sweater, a striped long sleeve tee, Christmas pajama pants (#necessity), a coat, and a scarf. A few of my non-maternity tops are still in the rotation if I'm wearing a long maternity tank, but for the most part they're getting pretty darn short in the front.

Baby's the size of...: Brie en brioche! Can't argue with that perfection. Also comparable to a large cabbage - 16 inches long and around 3 pounds!

Nursery: We have progress! After what felt like 72 hours, I finished putting the dresser together on Saturday evening, and by Sunday I was READY to start moving things in. It's all very hodge-podge right now, and the dresser is empty because I'm airing the weird wood smell out of the drawers with cups of baking soda (thanks for that idea, Mal!), but excluding the glider (which should be here early next week), the big pieces are in!

Now, I would LOVE input on a couple of things...

Q: The rug was originally centered, so equal amounts of hardwood showed between the two walls (the wall you see in the crib pic below, and the wall the dresser is against). I thought it might make sense to have the crib solely on the rug, so we scooted the rug so it's flush against the crib wall... but now I think it might look dumb. Thoughts?

WHY DOES PBK NOT INFORM YOU THAT THE CRIB SKIRT IN THEIR PHOTOS LOOKS AWESOME BECAUSE THEIR CRIBS ARE DROPPED TO THE LOWEST SETTING?! I was not expecting the floating-in-air phenomenon seen here when, after half an hour of ironing the pleats on Sunday night, we finally got it in the crib #rookiemommistake.

It still bugs me that the rug is darker than I expected, but it is what it is. And the random furry white rug is Molly's "place" in the nursery. She loves it!

A slightly better shot of the crib bedding and CFK's quilt from my mom.

Q: I'm struggling with the placement of the dresser. The wall that it's on is a) long, b) has an oddly placed window, and 3) is the wall that you face when you walk into the room. There are basically two options for the dresser - lined up in front of the window (above) or scooted further down the wall (below) so that the window isn't covered and more of the space in the room is occupied. These aren't great pictures for the POV that would probably be helpful, but they're what I snapped on Sunday night.

This is also the cow humidifier that shall also be called "The battle I chose not to fight." Brian's been awesome throughout this entire pregnancy, and when it came time to register, I'd done my research and knew the majority of the items we'd go for. When he came across the Crane animal humidifiers, he decided that CFK had to have one... and he chose the cow. I suppose it is kind of cute...

So, on our to-do list this weekend is to install the blinds for the windows, hang the curtains, finish the final adjustments on the closet, and start hanging things on the walls! Very exciting. 

Movement: She's a mover and a shaker, that's for sure. After lunchtime in the afternoons, she gets REALLY active, and I like to take a few minutes and sit back at my desk and watch the show. Aside from that, sugar makes her dance, and she still likes to get out a big burst of energy before we settle down for the night. I've also noticed that her movements seem to have more... purpose. Like instead of sweet little flutters, she throws a right hook every now and then. And I'm fairly certain that she was around my ribs last night - about as pleasant of a feeling as you'd imagine!

Symptoms: I've felt pretty great this week, all things considered. My right foot is swelling (not my left, which looks really cute) and I feel like I'm living that scene in The Nutty Professor when Eddie Murphy's feet start rapidly inflating. I've been a little more tired than usual but trying to rest when I can and elevate my feet. The pain in the lower right side of my pelvis still flares up, especially if I sit in certain positions or am up and walking  for too long, I still have that overall heavy feeling but I don't think that's going away anytime soon. Considering I'm almost 31 weeks, I don't think that's too much to complain about!

Brian: Love him. We celebrated our two year anniversary on Tuesday the 8th, and it's crazy to think of all that we've done in the past two years - we got married, bought a house, adopted Molly, I was laid off, he got a new job, I found a great job, he was promoted, and now we're expecting our first baby, mixed in with all of the other highs and lows that life brings. I feel pretty darn lucky to do life with him. 

We went out to celebrate last Saturday and ordered Indian takeout on Tuesday night to watch the election results (which we shall not talk about in case I start crying again). I've also started a tradition of ordering a tiny red velvet cake on our anniversary, since that was the top layer of our wedding cake, and using our cake knife/server to serve it, and our stamped forks that we used on our wedding day to eat with, and toasting to the year ahead with our wedding champagne flutes (this might be my favorite part of 11/8 every year, and I can't wait for our kids to grow up and see us keep the tradition over the years). Last year I had our bakery recreate the actual top of our cake... but ain't nobody got time for that this year. 

Sleep: I don't know if I'm just more tired, but I think I finally figured out good positions to get comfortable in bed, so sleep is looking good! My Snoogle helps if I face the pillow and shove another body pillow against my back - I really can't complain, since it's helping me get rest. Still waking up at least twice a night to pee, and I've started having INSANE dreams. Also a few bouts of insomnia, like... waking up at 12:30am and laying there for an hour wide awake.

Workouts: Not so great this week. When this pelvic pain flares up, it literally hurts to take steps with my right leg, so I just tried to take it easy. With daylight savings time in full force, it gets dark so much earlier and I'm not about walking outside at night, so I'm going to try to start walking on my lunch break. I feel so much better when I'm moving and getting activity in (plus something needs to counter the red velvet cake I stress-ate Tuesday night... and yesterday afternoon. And evening - yikes), so I'm still trying to make this a priority. I brought my sneakers with me today, so we'll see how many steps I can do in 30 minutes. Also haven't tried the yoga DVD yet... whoops.

Cravings: Back on a Polar seltzer kick - super cold with lots of ice, first thing in the morning and all day long. Chicken pot pie. Soup (anything I can get my hands on). Cheez-its. Banana yogurt (aside from the fruit, I usually hate all things banana-flavored). Cheerios. Pineapple. Spring rolls sound divine right now. Really wanting homemade cinnamon rolls. Baked brie sounds amazing.

Aversions/Dislikes: Chicken and I are still on a case-by-case basis. Can't smell cigarette smoke or exhaust fumes. I have my fall candles out but anything that smells too sweet makes me feel sick, which is strange. 

Annoyances: With the weather changing, I'm noticing my skin is more dry than usual. My allergies are also flaring up at things that never bothered me before, like particular fabrics in my clothes. 

What I Miss: Still wanting that big glass of red wine. Also missing the majority of my fall clothes, including my favorite riding boots - nothing fits! And being able to tie my shoes and get off the couch/out of bed without grunting and getting winded would be nice...

Best Moment This Week: Making progress on the nursery! It's so nice to walk in the room in the mornings and see where our sweet CFK will sleep.

Looking Forward To: Another relaxing weekend. We have a few nursery items to get checked off of our list, and cleaning out closets that have needed to get done for awhile. It's supposed to be cold on Saturday, so a good day to get things done during the day, and snuggle up for date night at home that night. Brian's playing in a golf tournament on Sunday, so I'm hoping to take advantage of the day and really start to get things put away in the nursery.


  1. OMG I was thinking of you last night when I did one of the 20 minute yoga sessions -- IGNORE her directions about breathing! If you actually breathe in and out when she directs, you will pass out. It is WAY too fast. So just go with what feels natural to you. I think it's a result of the editing of the footage, not actually her wanting us to huff and puff, but regardless.... follow your own lungs! LOL

  2. I think the nursery looks great! Bummer about the crib skirt though. I would have thought the same thing! Oh well, someday the crib will be lowered and that skirt will look perfect! :) I am also laughing at the cow humidifier. So sweet that he picked it out for her, but I am sure a big cow on the dresser wasn't what you pictured! :) Love it though.
